I excuse myself for the choice of title of this write up if it made you think that the ultra women may hold the key to our energy woes. They do not. At least not directly. Rather impertinent it might seem to some, I have a simple yet undiscovered base to affiliate women to nuclear energy. But unfortunately this nexus between women and nuclear energy is not a win-win situation for the two.
The recent political drama about the Nuclear deal that ensues even as I write this article has been hitting headlines for time immemorial now. Twists and turns in the Nuclear deal even beat the recent Bollywood Blockbuster 'Race'. And last of these tacks (as of now) was Samajwadi Party's decision to back the Congress led UPA government at the center in case the Left withdraws support on the issue of Nuclear deal. While Samjawadi Party's official decree gave a kiss of life to the Nuclear deal, the event itself was laden with controversies. Firstly, Samajwadi Party was not very sure and only after an endorsement from ex-President and scientist APJ Abdul Kalam, could muster the political will to support. Secondly, critics say the decision was a last ditch effort by the Samajwadi Party to connect with the masses whose unhappiness is seeing them sit in the opposition benches of the Uttar Pradesh State Legislative Assembly. Lastly, the crutch that they are offering the Nuclear deal comes at a price. And one of the wishes of the Samajwadi Party is to drop the women's (reservation) bill.
One thing that surely shocked me was why did the media remain unmoved even at the hint of such a barter, which otherwise is very vocal about anything to do with women. For one, a 'popular' 24 hours Hindi news channel made a two hour program on all the women who want to win over wrestler Khali, not very long ago.
So, as they say, you cannot have it all. Not the middle class at least, who have to trudge the hard way to become successful. And yes, India is middle class, err, actually developing, as they say for countries (and not middle class that is meant for individuals). Maybe this is the problem. Like individuals have this 'middle class thinking' problem (that means a fear of dreaming and aiming bigger than what one has seen anyone achieving; according to my understanding, ofcourse), we, as a nation have this 'developing country thinking' issue. This leaves us gratified with whatever little our government does for us. We get used to (and a part of) the corruption, bad roads, power shortage, delayed trains & flights, long queues, poor housing, no social security, food adulterants, no 911, an unapproachable police, a must avoid judiciary, poverty, begging, casteism, regionalism, fundamentalism and politics based on all of these, rapes, murders and what not.
And only we are responsible for the ironical yet unfortunate trade off that might happen pretty soon. Women's Bill or the Nuclear deal. It is us who bring such incapacitated politicians to power who look like jokers whenever faced with a trying situation.
We are also accountable for coalition politics. Political parties without majority scour for partners who might help them lead (read rule) the country. Like-minded parties come together. But like-mindedness is love but coalition is like marriage. And these are different ball games altogether. The way the Left parties take it is, 'Hey Dude! So, you couldn't make it, eh? Don't worry, keep running, and if I don't like the way you run, I'll pull the trigger.' And for the Nuclear deal, 'Run Lola Run'.
I'm not favoring the Women's reservation bill, not because I'm against women. But more so because I'm against any kind of mindless reservation which is not socio-politico-economically aimed. But what makes me sad is the reason why some political parties are opposing it, and that they might become successful in doing so, thanks to some timely maneuvered political blackmailing.
So, the government, on behalf of a nation whose energy needs are spiraling and facing an urgency to replace petroleum as an energy source, requests all women to shun their political aspirations and the emancipation that might had followed. And in lieu of that, the government promises that you will not have to walk miles to get timber for cooking. Water will flow down taps in your homes and not at a hand-pump kilometers away. There will be electricity in your kitchen where you will cook with LNG or electricity run ovens. Somewhere around 2015. And if all of that does not happen, there will, surely be superfluous media coverage and nondescript news articles like this.
Great to know that the issue of elongated political drama that helps keeping the media houses alive by helping them to earn their bread and butter is picked up..the title was catchy but veiled.. The article is a must read for anyone who is really concerned about the current political situation of the country..
first of all te way how you have connected the two bills, leaves me a little confused for you see, i dont completely agree with the statement that women's reservation bill shouldn't be passed.i am still in double minds about it. because 1)i think india has only seen development in the urban platform or scenerio ,but still the rural india lies far behind.i am talking this on basis of my own experience.i have got an oppurtunity to sneak peak into the real state of our country , hence i will support this women's reservation bill because, be it a women in urban society or in rural set up of this society,gender domination and gender bias exists,just that the pattern followed in city is more under covers than in villages,because maximum of the urban population is middle class.hence the middle class attitude that is being spoken about by you stands valid.so they need the bill.also why not keep such a kind of attitue when we know that this is our limit. its human to keep away from something that puts you in danger or involves risk.[let's not get into it,that is a different debate all together].i had observed that women be it in rural or else in urban india[this concept is still in air and i cant grasp it whatever effort i put into understanding thid fragmented ,hollowed term seeing the real situation] they always come forward and work more for welfare . 2) i will be a little sceptical about this reservation bill because like every other case this is also a double- edged sword kind of deal.it can again let people misuse.as if there isn't any way or method that is left to be broken or taken advantge of this system full of lacunae.
now let's come to the nuclear deal ahh! this is one funny topic;which given every person with common sense, awes at the geniusness of this country [pun intended] to expose the faults in this system so well and its master minds.for all were watching an drama unfold. it was a bull's eye or else the party's eye.hence these complications and dramas , filled magazines and media houses with news after all if you have read noam chomsky's propoganda model you will realise that the goverment is also a source for information and also it talks about the kind of news that can get published,and the 5 reasons under which a news can be taken or left untouched.hence i guess you get the answer of why the media was so unmoved
for eg: when CPI[M] joined hands with mayawati the media took it up and created a huge hue and cry about it be it the news papers else any media wehich can reach to the masses.another issue should be the horse trading,media worked as it could on this. but a few question i still dont get an answer to is, i dint support this eiter its not fair to go against ur ideologies just to oppose something
1)why is there such a so called tremendous support on this deal when we all know that nuclear enery will help us with 6% of the entire energy consumption this country is dealing with.when new alternatives can be thought about with alernative means like wind enery or so on.
2)what about the nuclear wastes,if i am not wrong no one has yet spoken about how will these nuclear wastes that will be formed,what wil be done with them?
3) the nuclear plants which will be termed as civilian will get a direct access and a direct eye of the IAEA to keep a check on it.and if any tests or so is done the suply can be stopped[please conform this]
4)why india inspite of not being a pat of the NPT gets this special stauts?its ironic if we ever know the reason why the NPT was formed.
5) well media will support this because anything that is pro- privatisation is always supported,the more capitalistc approach the more competition and the more news.[noam chomsky-propoganda model]this is what i understood of the whole deal.besides ni long run it might do good but, money rise due to this deal on per unit will be of worry
and last but not the least well our system be it political or judicial or even the fourth estate media all look at their benifits first and then later they think ,after all the 4th estate decides what the public should know and not know and the powered men decide what should be given
we forget india as a country should make use of both the economies capitalim has helped us come this far and also the original marxism should be applied atleast 20% for the development of 70% of this country's population ,but aafter all we look for our safety first
so we cant blame the polititians or the system in such cases it stands as a reflection of our own society's attitude. i am no exception to this too
besides i dont thik our country's polititians like mr.manmohan singh is less aware or less smarted
they definitely have brains and outr country's welfare in their minds.
as of for your article, well writeen and a very simplified version for those who dont understand politis,even i too coem under that so keep it updated and send it across so that i can read and improve my ideas
m sorry if you think i have drifted from the topic
a good one.....
i like the irony used, won't jump into political conclusion....for lot had been said and done...
i like the usage of words ..the way you said 'run lola run'...and the coalition govt is like a marraige....
Its good to read you.
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